Obstruction to police work has been brought to the forefront of our national consciousness in recent times as a result of the recent deaths of black people at the hands of police. The YouTube video “This police training exposes the implicit bias that runs through all of us” documents how police departments like the New York Police Department are using implicit bias training officers to tackle the issue.
The Implicit bias training program is designed to assist officers to understand how unconscious biases could affect their decision-making even if they don’t necessarily have biases. Police officers learn the theories behind implicit bias through a program which lasts between six and seven hours.
While social scientists are skeptical regarding the effectiveness of the program, those who run the program, Noble Wray and Lorie Fridell, the hope that major enhancements in the manner in which police are conducted be a result of the training. Lorie Fridell created the program in the wake of realizing that although cops in general are good-intentioned, implicit biases can lead to discriminatory acts in their work.
The program’s benefits over the longer term are being evaluated. But, it is proven efficient in police agencies where management embraces these ideas of correction.