Tee shirts are an awesome idea! This video will show you how to make your own screen printed t-shirts!
To begin, you need the screen, a squeegee along with some photo emulsion. Mix the emulsion with the photos until it has a uniform consistency. Pour a small amount onto the screen. It doesn’t require a amount, simply put it on with the squeegee. It should dry in the sunlight.
The lights should be turned off when the emulsifier has completely dried. Tape the image you have created onto transparent plastic pieces. Emulsifiers can be photosensitive, therefore, you should work fast.
Use a glass tray as a weight on top of the prints as well as the screen. You can use the brightest light you can to transmit the design in the span of 30 to an hour. This will get your design placed onto the screen.
Next, lay your shirt flat and put the decal-printing screen over it. Put on a decent amount of the screen printing ink. In the next step, spread your shirt’s ink by rubbing it through.
For further information about printing with screen, please click the video link below.