It’s now that murals are built from food from restaurants. Although you might consider the ideal cheeseburger artwork, Carl Warner takes the idea of eating artwork to an entirely new level. With meticulous detail and hours of detailing, Warner’s creations are unlike what you’ve ever witnessed. Warner creates large landscapes entirely made of edible material and is a joy to be around. In this clip we’ll learn a step-by-step look at how the well-known Carl Warner makes his extensive, detailed, and delicious art pieces.
In the beginning, Warner draws out the food landscape piece before beginning. He then goes to his nearby supermarket or outdoor fruits and vegetable stand to purchase everything he requires. Then, he recreates iconic sights with his ingredients, causing viewers to do a double look to see what they’re made of using food. Warner wanted to be an artist, but he discovered his love for photography and now is an experienced photographer. Warner’s models could last up to one week to complete.